Post Format: Standard Sticky

This theme uses WordPress feature called „Post Formats“. Using „Post Formats“ posts can be styled differently and independently of each other. This post, for example, is a „standard post“ format that is marked as „sticky post“.

„Sticky“ post always comes as a first post and it is usually used to highlight an important post.
More about „sticky“ post can be found here :

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As the end of 2016 come near… I wonder…
Of the road we’ve travelled…
Some were clear and straight-forward…
Some were foggy and filled with uncertainty
those that required us to proceed with cautions,travelled defensively with our headlights on to see what is ahead…
Somewhere along those road, a crash can happened
It traumatized.. It changes things.
My dear hubby hit a deer few weeks ago..
It damaged the car… but then we gave it a break, a “fix” that was needed…. The car came back… “fixed”…But if you look closer, some scar remains… “Bring it back if you have problem…we will fix it they say…”
Isn’t God that way….. He FIXES broken hearts…but HE needs all the pieces to fix it… You can’t hold on to any… You need to give it all to HIM.
2017 is an unknown path to so many… I have friends who are facing cancers and other struggles… Unknown path is scary… but if we let GOD drive…. We can feel safe knowing that HE is in control… Knowing that whatever may come to us… HE will take care of us!
If you don’t believe me…. Look back… HE was there…. in the still small voice that tell your reflex to ” HIT the brake, take the turn, watch out”, in the circle of friends and families that travelled with you, ” Keep you awake when you are sleepy, made you laugh, made you get up when you don’t feel you want to”…. and in all those circumstances around you when you travelled those roads….
We hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017…. But more than anything, We hope that you will let GOD be the driver! Because when HE is the driver, you are in for an amazing ride even through a storm!

Song of forgiveness

When God teaches a song called “Forgiveness”
Recently, God brought it to my heart that I am still bitter and angry.
Oh how I don’t like it when HE is poking me like that! So I set it aside so I don’t have to deal with it. Recently, he said it again, “Forgive!” I said, I CAN’T!” “I’ve tried and I thought I did but I CAN”T!

Then GOD said,” I didn’t say ONCE! Seventy times seven.. If you are angry again, you should forgive again!”
Stubborn me said, “I CAN’T! It’s easier to hate… to be angry… I have the right! I don’t really want to and I CAN’T!”

Then God said to me so clearly,” What do you say to your students when they say I CAN’T when you asked them to play a new song?”
Me: I would MAKE them learn it even more because I told my students that I don’t like hearing “I can’t!”

GOD: “Then.. don’t you say….. I will play along with you! I will teach you! I am here next to you! Don’t you worry about the note you can’t read or play! WHEN we GET to that part… I will SHOW YOU!! I will guide your hand if I have to!” Yes, the first time will be rough and choppy! But we will get through it TOGETHER! We will practice together… One line at a time… One song at a time… One hour at a time… One day at a time…. Until you can play that new song of forgiveness so naturally!

Oh how HE made me cried tears and tears of joy because I know He is right!. Only HE can speaks my language and makes things so clear to me! I am so grateful that my GOD is a much better teacher than I am for HE will never leave me until I’ve learnt what HE wants me to learn… It’s a hard song to learn.. It will take some time to practice and to get it right.. but I have the BEST teacher to be sitting next to me… Yes.. I will make mistakes and stumble but when I do… as I told my student, ” Well, let’s do it again and I will show you!” He will show me and guide me…for HIS mercies never come to an end.. They are new every morning! Great is THY faithfulness!